Baby Out Of The Cradle
I have made a lot of progress since the last posting, actually behind on the updates as we are in the reassembly and mundane stages now. Mundane is fixing, gathering new pieces as we come to them and/or refurbishing original parts.
First picture is not much more than the engine out and on the bench waiting further cleaning. In order to refinish would require a complete tear down... not sure we're going to do that as it runs and shifts great.

I have made a lot of progress since the last posting, actually behind on the updates as we are in the reassembly and mundane stages now. Mundane is fixing, gathering new pieces as we come to them and/or refurbishing original parts.
First picture is not much more than the engine out and on the bench waiting further cleaning. In order to refinish would require a complete tear down... not sure we're going to do that as it runs and shifts great.
Picture of the engine cradle, note that the rear engine mount bolt also doubles as the pivot point for swing arm.
As we tear down the rest of the YZ80A, we slid the rear engine mount/swing arm pivot bolt back. Having that in helps when removing the rear wheel, also made it easier to wheel the bike out of the way while we tended to other removed parts.
Rear shot showing the shock before removal. Remember, plenty of pictures aids in reassembly process.
Removed the front forks after taking off the handle bars and top triple tree clamp. The grease in the bearing race was probably factory and had long ago lost any semblance to grease. What was left was fouled with years of dirt and was packed in and dry. Be very careful when removing the front end as the steering stem may slide out un-expectantly leaving you with ball bearings jumping all around the floor.
Looking at the steering neck and you can see how little grease was left here. Those bearings where running dry as a bone, lucky they weren't trashed.
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